What kind of boss your startup should not have?

Posted on October 6, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on What kind of boss your startup should not have?

The most important factor that makes an employee or a team member stick to your startup or company is the reporting manager–the personality, attitude, character, and the acumen of the reporting manager will make sure that the right kind of talent stays within the team. A lot of companies suffer from huge attrition rate in terms of number of employees leaving because they are not satisfied by the way their reporting manager or the so-called boss treats them or utilizes them. Let’s … Continue reading “What kind of boss your startup should not have?”

Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Posted on October 4, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , , , , ,   Leave a comment on Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Do you know what Indian Ph. D. model is? Well, this may sound to be overly sarcastic and I should refrain from throwing bad light on my nations image; unfortunately this remains true, and this is one of the reasons that keep us backwards or keep pulling our legs. I admit that the same Ph. D. system would be prevalent in many other countries, but at least people who know the advantage and significance of innovation should stay safe from … Continue reading “Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?”

What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?

Posted on September 25, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , , , 2 Comments on What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?

An overview of ISRO’s Mangalyaan project in context of Indian social media Have you given a thought to this: what made ISRO’s Mangalyaan so much popular among the professionals who are sitting on the social media and celebrating its success with jokes, pranks, graphics and sharing every message that has a hashtag of #mars #mangalyaan or #MOM? Well, the main reason that comes out of the whole picture and plethora of points that an Indian can be proud of is … Continue reading “What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?”

How can startups cure your indigestion

Posted on September 22, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags ,   Leave a comment on How can startups cure your indigestion

Knowledge that is not put into practice is like food that is not digested. –Sri Sathya Sai Baba Have you felt the practicality of this sentence in your professional life? Have you noticed how working in a particular role, amassing a lot of knowledge and skill will make your life miserable because in big corporate world, you don’t get to put everything in practice? I certainly have! I have noticed that big corporate world does not allow you to experiment … Continue reading “How can startups cure your indigestion”

What type of content resource a startup should hire?

Posted on September 18, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , ,   Leave a comment on What type of content resource a startup should hire?

I have been working in the internet industry for the last 11 years. I have seen the great rise of the dotcom and also the recession that hit almost everybody so hard that they had to make drastic changes in their career and life. I have also seen black-hat SEO techniques giving rich dividends to small companies, and also how Google quickly killed them by introducing various changes to its algorithm. I have worked in the print, startups, and also … Continue reading “What type of content resource a startup should hire?”

Sanskrit business names

Posted on September 15, 2014February 28, 2021Categories Sanskrit Names 142 Comments on Sanskrit business names

A lot of people nowadays prefer to give a thoughtful name to their business, and in India, some of them prefer to find something relevant in Sanskrit. Sanskrit business names are quite popular and I have received numerous requests to suggest some names that can go well for a particular business. It is very important to understand that while you pick up a Sanskrit name for companies, you should be aware whether you are going for translation or just for … Continue reading “Sanskrit business names”

5 lessons entrepreneurs can learn from movie Wolverine

Posted on July 31, 2013February 6, 2021Categories Startups   Leave a comment on 5 lessons entrepreneurs can learn from movie Wolverine

Wolverine happened to be the first 3-D movie that I watched in a cineplex. Overall, it was a very nice experience and it opened up a lot of thoughts in my mind. 1. If your idea is unique, there might be people who would want to replicate it, which means potential competition. Yashida wants to acquire powers that Logan enjoyed. So, prepare yourself for a real battle when you enter the market. 2. It’s good to rely on your experiences, … Continue reading “5 lessons entrepreneurs can learn from movie Wolverine”

Startup funding news of the last week

Posted on May 10, 2013February 6, 2021Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup funding news of the last week

Below are some of the startups that have been funded recently. Kinetic Social, a leading social media advertising technology company, has raised $8 million Series A funding VeryLastRoom, a hotel booking app that lets you negotiate last minute prices even cheaper than on the web, gets €400,000 seed funding DraftKings, a leading provider of daily fantasy sports online, has closed a $7M Series A round of funding Chute, a startup that offers tools for collecting and displaying photos, has raised … Continue reading “Startup funding news of the last week”

Startup funding news of the week

Posted on May 3, 2013February 6, 2021Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup funding news of the week

Here are some funding updates of startups. These are compiled from various online sources and social media sites. Netchemia, the leading provider of cloud-based talent management software for K-12 school districts and institutions, raises $6.5M funding 20Jeans, a men’s online retailer, has raised ~$1M seed funding from investors including Baroda Ventures, Plus Capital & Siemer Ventures MindMixer, an startup focused on community organization and local movements, has closed $4M Series B funding Business listings management startup Local Market Launch has … Continue reading “Startup funding news of the week”

After Vicky Leaks and not Vicky Donor, It’s Vicky.in

Posted on March 19, 2013Categories Startups   Leave a comment on After Vicky Leaks and not Vicky Donor, It’s Vicky.in

From a simple reviewing site that catered to the needs of users who wanted to know more about various cars available in the market, Vicky.in has increased its operations and range. The founders continued their effort and built a complete portal where users can buy and sell cars, know more about them and share the information that is useful to almost everybody. We had an email interview with Karthick. Q1. Tell us how you got the idea to start Vicky.in? I (karthick … Continue reading “After Vicky Leaks and not Vicky Donor, It’s Vicky.in”

MebelKart–selling furniture online

Posted on January 28, 2013Categories Startups   Leave a comment on MebelKart–selling furniture online

In the times when companies, startups, and entrepreneurs are looking to sell almost every product on internet, furniture has remained an item that is considered too pricey (and even unique) to try online. Some of the consumers state that furniture carries a certain kind of emotional value to the purchase because they will be using it both for its functionality as well as decoration purposes. In the challenging scenario where selling, delivering and post-sales services could pose stringent situations for … Continue reading “MebelKart–selling furniture online”

iShopper.com–comparison shopping site for mobiles and laptops

Posted on November 16, 2012Categories Mobiles, Startups   Leave a comment on iShopper.com–comparison shopping site for mobiles and laptops

In the wake of various types of mobile sets being launched by companies (often engaged in lawsuits with one another), here is a comparison shopping site that lets you to find best prices of mobile phones, Laptops, Tablets and much more. iShopper.com offers you various models of gadgets that you can choose from after you have carefully compared them with others and have zeroed down the best suited to your needs. We present an email interview with Sanjeev Kumar from iShopper.com. … Continue reading “iShopper.com–comparison shopping site for mobiles and laptops”

Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com

Posted on May 25, 2012Categories Women EntrepreneursTags , ,   Leave a comment on Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com

The focus towards corporate trips and event organization has led to many startups and consultants coming up with the idea of managing and organizing it for companies. Usually, corporates like to hire someone else to organize the whole event, which has led to a very interesting business idea around the concept of traveling and tourism. In India, this idea is still in its niche stage and there is a definite potential that can be tapped by startups. On these lines, … Continue reading “Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com”

Interview with singing sensation Harshdeep Kaur

Posted on May 13, 2012Categories Women EntrepreneursTags , , , , , 2 Comments on Interview with singing sensation Harshdeep Kaur

She was born in Delhi but later on moved to Mumbai to pursue her dreams for singing. She belonged to a musical family but she become the first female singer to win two reality shows. She studied music from her father but took formal classes also from Mr. Tejpal Singh, popularly known as the Singh Brothers, and Western classical music fom George Pullinkala. The famous lady who sung “Ek Onkar” for A R Rahman and went on to sing in … Continue reading “Interview with singing sensation Harshdeep Kaur”

Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor

Posted on April 23, 2012Categories Women EntrepreneursTags   Leave a comment on Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor

Did you ever want to get your share certificates yield something for you? What do you do with if you have a physical copy of the shares and do not know what to do with them. For good, you will decide that they are as good as scrap papers. Wait. There is something you can cherish. Poonam Binaykiya offers you guidance about you. We present an email interview with Poonam. Q1. Tell us how you thought about starting this venture. … Continue reading “Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor”

Startup Carkhana.com: Selling automobile accessories online

Posted on March 12, 2012Categories Mobiles, Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Carkhana.com: Selling automobile accessories online

Have you ever thought of buying automobile accessories online? At least, to me, this sounded a very unique and new concept. Carkhana.com presents you a collection of essential as well as exotic products/accessories that you might need if you own a bike or a car. There are many sites that offer you information, reviews and news about automobiles. There have been sites like Mericar.com, which give you offers and deals about car service. There are sites about car deals also. … Continue reading “Startup Carkhana.com: Selling automobile accessories online”

Startup Theskinmantra.com: Offering laptop skins for personalization

Posted on February 29, 2012Categories Startups 4 Comments on Startup Theskinmantra.com: Offering laptop skins for personalization

Have you ever thought of giving your laptop a personalized look? If yes, then what is the method that first flashed in your mind. More often than not, putting up some stickers or perhaps a skin would flashed. And yes, this is one of the easiest and best methods to impart a personalized look on your gadgets. To cater to this need and demand, a startup theskinmantra.com has come into play and they are doing good. The venture is started … Continue reading “Startup Theskinmantra.com: Offering laptop skins for personalization”

Gogappa: Monica Agrawal offers different ways of online gifting

Posted on February 10, 2012Categories Women Entrepreneurs   Leave a comment on Gogappa: Monica Agrawal offers different ways of online gifting

She took her chance in a field which is already been tapped by lots of players. Monica Agrawal, from her personal experiences, noted that there is a need of online portals that could allow the customers to customize their products with luxury type packing.   She finally took the plunge as she launched her online gift portal Gogappa.com We present an email interview with Monica. Q1. Tell us about your childhood and your studies. I grew up in Mumbai and … Continue reading “Gogappa: Monica Agrawal offers different ways of online gifting”

Sanskrit names for startups

Posted on November 9, 2011Categories StartupsTags , , , 389 Comments on Sanskrit names for startups

Choosing a Sanskrit name for startups could be a tricky one. If you remember the story of Steve Jobs naming “Apple” as “Apple”, then you might be able to gauge how tricky this could be. Yes, it is. However, I have a new finding as per the comments one of my blogs and some research on Google Keyword Tool shows. It is about choosing names for your startups/businesses/companies in Sanskrit. A lot of people want to choose the names of … Continue reading “Sanskrit names for startups”

Ritambhara Agrawal: Managing Partner at INTELLIGERE

Posted on November 3, 2011Categories Women Entrepreneurs   Leave a comment on Ritambhara Agrawal: Managing Partner at INTELLIGERE

Ritambhara is a serial entrepreneur, a Business Lawyer, Speaker and Author of various International Publications, specializing in corporate commercial laws and Intellectual Property Law. She also has significant transactional experience in transactional legal (M&A, private equity, structured lending and funds structuring), general corporate (foreign direct/portfolio investment, JVs and other corporate advisory including tax) and IP Portfolio Management. She is managing partner at Intelligere. We had an email interview with Ritambhara. Q1. Tell us about Intelligere. How do you feel there … Continue reading “Ritambhara Agrawal: Managing Partner at INTELLIGERE”