What kind of boss your startup should not have?

Posted on October 6, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on What kind of boss your startup should not have?

The most important factor that makes an employee or a team member stick to your startup or company is the reporting manager–the personality, attitude, character, and the acumen of the reporting manager will make sure that the right kind of talent stays within the team. A lot of companies suffer from huge attrition rate in terms of number of employees leaving because they are not satisfied by the way their reporting manager or the so-called boss treats them or utilizes them. Let’s … Continue reading “What kind of boss your startup should not have?”

Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Posted on October 4, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , , , , ,   Leave a comment on Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Do you know what Indian Ph. D. model is? Well, this may sound to be overly sarcastic and I should refrain from throwing bad light on my nations image; unfortunately this remains true, and this is one of the reasons that keep us backwards or keep pulling our legs. I admit that the same Ph. D. system would be prevalent in many other countries, but at least people who know the advantage and significance of innovation should stay safe from … Continue reading “Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?”

Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor

Posted on April 23, 2012Categories Women EntrepreneursTags   Leave a comment on Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor

Did you ever want to get your share certificates yield something for you? What do you do with if you have a physical copy of the shares and do not know what to do with them. For good, you will decide that they are as good as scrap papers. Wait. There is something you can cherish. Poonam Binaykiya offers you guidance about you. We present an email interview with Poonam. Q1. Tell us how you thought about starting this venture. … Continue reading “Entrepreneur Poonam Binaykiya: Financial advisor”

Interview with Mansi Shah, Core Team Mumbai Angels

Posted on February 16, 2010Categories Women EntrepreneursTags ,   Leave a comment on Interview with Mansi Shah, Core Team Mumbai Angels

Following are some general questions regarding the role of a funding agency and mentoring offered by Mumbai Angels. These questions are general queries and specific queries could be asked by contacting the Mumbai Angels. As Funding Agency Q1: While someone approaches Mumbai Angels for funding, what requirements one needs to fulfill in order to present the case? To approach Mumbai angels for funding, one needs to have a proper b- plan describing team, operations, funding needs, revenue projections, marketing plan … Continue reading “Interview with Mansi Shah, Core Team Mumbai Angels”