Interview with Anne Kerrigan Anderson: Founder of Snowga

SnowgaWho says Yoga has limits? Or Yoga involves breaking or at least testing your limits?

Well, we can be sure of one thing, at least: with the advancement of human race, the application and utility of Yoga will keep evolving from the backyards of remotely-located Ashrams in the Oriental to the ultra-modern studios of the West, and now on the slippery yet beautifully-decked snow peaks.

Yes, Snowga is a beautiful concept that involves the literal yoga (union) of ice-sports and Yoga practices.

Anne has beautifully synchronized both of these self-fulfilling activities to bring about a totally unique idea. We present an e-interview with Anne about her journey.

Q1. When and how Yoga attracted you?

In the year 2000, I saw a yoga video of Rodney Yee who was practicing out in Nature. It was beautiful. I was intrigued and began taking yoga classes.

Q2. How do you feel it changed your life?

Yoga and meditation have changed my life in many ways. I believe it is a life path to self healing. Yoga has opened me to self-discovery and understanding. I feel more balanced, aware and mindful.


Q3. When did you think of starting Snowga?

As a longtime ski instructor, I wanted to find a way to help calm my student’s fears, negative thinking and self-doubt. I discovered Yoga is the way. In 2007, I began integrating Yogic teachings into my ski lessons and it worked like magic. My students had less fear and more fun on the mountain.



Q4. How fulfilling it feels when people you work with assert they enjoyed or felt better? Is this what drives you or there’s something like a higher call that motivates you?

I’m always happy to receive feedback and to know the Yoga is making people feel better, however, this does not drive me. Yes, I do feel called to do this work, it is a vocation to me — a way a giving back for the blessings I’ve received.


Q5. How much time you devote daily on your practice?

I start every morning with meditation and yoga, up to an hour. Many evenings, I practice gentle, restorative yoga prior to retiring.


Q6. Does it make sense to learn Yoga from online resources and other similar material?

I think it makes sense to learn Yoga from any practical, ethical, safe source that’s out there.


Q7. Is there a particular age from which one should start Yoga?

Yoga is the Union of the Mind and Body to the Spirit. It can be started at any age, even in the womb.


Q8. A simple reason to do yoga?

Why do Yoga? For a calm mind, calm body, and better health. Connection to Spirit. Self-compassion. Youthfulness. Increased focus and concentration. Greater awareness, mindfulness and Oneness.

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