Startup Giving every information of Delhi student life

Posted on August 3, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Giving every information of Delhi student life

Where you will find the latest information about Delhi colleges, universities and events organized by them? Where you will like to go if you want to network with students from various campuses of Delhi? Where you will get to know what’s happening around and what you should do, if you are student in Delhi? Well, there is a place to go for. It’s a first online presence that helps you get latest information of almost everything that’s happening around … Continue reading “Startup Giving every information of Delhi student life”

Startup Bootstrap Today: Focusing on business idea around SaaS

Posted on July 26, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Bootstrap Today: Focusing on business idea around SaaS

SaaS is the next big thing in the future of using software applications. Many software service providers are already switching their models to SaaS and the ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) tools are no exception. An entrepreneur must look for opportunities in the growth sectors so as to make odds favour his startup. Sensible Softwares Pvt. Ltd. is one such startup which offers ALM as SaaS through its flagship product – BootStrap Today. In an email interview, Anand Agarwal, CEO of … Continue reading “Startup Bootstrap Today: Focusing on business idea around SaaS”

YourNextLeap: Are you ready for it?

Posted on July 21, 2011Categories Women Entrepreneurs   Leave a comment on YourNextLeap: Are you ready for it? is a recommendation engine which acts as a virtual career counsellor to help students make smarter career decisions. It involves a suite of online tools, which use psychometric evaluations and math models on past admission patterns, to give out personalized suggestions.   The applications help students increase their chances of admissions by finding colleges where they have maximum chances of admissions and also choose the right stream of study. Headquartered in Pune, India, the venture was started in October … Continue reading “YourNextLeap: Are you ready for it?”

Eduledge: Making learning fun

Posted on July 21, 2011Categories Startups 1 Comment on Eduledge: Making learning fun

Rajat Soni has a rich and diversified experience across various industries including chemicals, banking, IT, and advertising. He started Eduledge to bring fun and effectiveness to the process of learning. The process of learning and skill enhancement has always been an area of concern for the HR department. He has also authored a book: “The Little Guide to Equity Mutual Funds”, which has gained momentum globally and is a testimony of his experience as an investor and private banker. Rajat … Continue reading “Eduledge: Making learning fun”

Startup A B2B trade platform

Posted on July 15, 2011Categories Startups 2 Comments on Startup A B2B trade platform

About (Leads And Deals Limited) facilitates an international business-to-business (B2B) trade platform by connecting global buyers with suppliers (SMEs) through business directories, online product catalogues, buy-sell leads and industry specific marketplaces. Our aim is to provide a better, fairly faster and free service to: Reduce Business Costs Save Time & Effort Increase Global Exposure Reach Business Prospects Directly To Maximise Returns offers a variety of rich value added services, secure and user-friendly tools to make online trade … Continue reading “Startup A B2B trade platform”

Startup Creating headlines in pet industry

Posted on July 2, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Creating headlines in pet industry

It as a modest story to start with in 2007, but has come up as India’s No. 1 portal under pet category. As clear from the name itself, the startup focuses on dogs and is India’s most visited dog portal. The team members of the startup enjoy a love of dogs and then making entrepreneurship reach every nook and corner of a business opportunity. This throws another example of following ones dream, believing in it and creating a success … Continue reading “Startup Creating headlines in pet industry”

Why entrepreneurs need SEO for their online ventures

Posted on June 29, 2011Categories Startups 2 Comments on Why entrepreneurs need SEO for their online ventures

Importance of SEO for online businesses It sounds a cliched statment that entrepreneurs need to do some SEO stuff for their online ventures, but the veracity of this statement makes it imperative that it is preached repeatedly. As an entrepreneur, if you are starting up and making your presence felt in the market, you need to have a tall figure in the virtual world. Even if the nature of your business is real-time and physical, you need to create a … Continue reading “Why entrepreneurs need SEO for their online ventures”

Sanskrit names for companies

Posted on June 25, 2011February 28, 2021Categories Sanskrit NamesTags , 380 Comments on Sanskrit names for companies

It is very important to understand that while you pick up a Sanskrit name for companies, you should be aware whether you are going for translation or just for transliteration. Below, I am giving the transliterated names of some famous companies in Sanskrit. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to know the name of any other company. Apple ऐपलः Google गूगलः BlackBerry ब्लैकबैरी Microsoft माईक्रोसोफ्टः Twitter टविटरः Nokia नोकिया Samsung सैम्सङ्गः Motorola मोटरोला Ford फोर्डः Volkswagen … Continue reading “Sanskrit names for companies”

5 small scale online business ideas for entrepreneurs

Posted on June 20, 2011Categories Startups 1 Comment on 5 small scale online business ideas for entrepreneurs

I am writing this article based on some brain-storming that we did over couple of weeks while looking for some ideas. The ideas suggested here are purely random and some more research might be needed to gauge the scale and potential of the idea. I am considering Indian entrepreneurs as the main audience for this article and will keep the figures India-related only. 1. An info-portal for retirees An information portal for retirees could go a long way. Going by … Continue reading “5 small scale online business ideas for entrepreneurs”

Sanskrit Names for Business

Posted on May 25, 2011February 28, 2021Categories Sanskrit Names 406 Comments on Sanskrit Names for Business

Are you finding Sanskrit names for business? What type of name you want? Have you decided to get it translated or transliterated, or are you going to name your business with an original Sanskrit word? This is a major task that you must do before you could go forward. We have helped to find some good Sanskrit names for businesses for our users and we will be happy to help you get a suitable name for you too. Feel free … Continue reading “Sanskrit Names for Business”

Economically cheap ways of advertising your online startup

Posted on May 19, 2011Categories Startups 5 Comments on Economically cheap ways of advertising your online startup

I will discuss some economically cheap methods that you can explore to advertise and market your online startup business. You can also call them cheap marketing methods. 1. Printing on the car/mobike I have personally tried this method and it works. Get the website URL of your online startup on your car, bike, scooter. Whenever and wherever you roam, you are advertising. The choice of color in which you will get the name printed does has an impact. Though you … Continue reading “Economically cheap ways of advertising your online startup”

Startup Unbxd: Intelligent search for e-commerce websites

Posted on May 17, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Unbxd: Intelligent search for e-commerce websites

Unbxd, a Bangalore based startup, is all about intelligent search for e-commerce websites. Carving a niche segment for themselves Unbxd has developed customized e-commerce search app that is fast, accurate and user friendly. This e-commerce search app promises to leverage the cloud concept and has SMEs as one of the important customer base. Unbxd does not only provide intelligent and clutter free search engine interface to the e-commerce websites, it also provides customer analytics through its Unbxd IntelliLearn feature. While … Continue reading “Startup Unbxd: Intelligent search for e-commerce websites”

How To Get The First Customer For Your Start-Up?

Posted on March 18, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on How To Get The First Customer For Your Start-Up?

So you have crossed all the stages of Entrepreneurship the ideation, validation, finding co-founders, setting up the team, and are now in the execution stage, ready to go to the market. It is good to understand the structured process of Entrepreneurship and do the expected homework at every stage. That is so much for the theory. But many times in practical world the stages may overlap depending a lot on the type of business model that your start-up has and … Continue reading “How To Get The First Customer For Your Start-Up?”

Evaluserve–Your Global Knowledge Partner

Posted on March 7, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Evaluserve–Your Global Knowledge Partner

About Evalueserve Evalueserve provides knowledge services to a global client base of Fortune 5000 companies, including Investment, Commercial and Retail Banks; Insurance Companies; Private Equity Firms; Corporates; Consulting and Research Firms; Law Firms and Intellectual Property Firms. Evalueserve’s expertise covers areas such as Financial and Investment Research, Business Research, Market Research, Intellectual Property, Data Analytics and Knowledge Technology Services. Besides, we provide access to over 20,000 experts through our Circle of Experts.<!–more–> We currently have 2,000 professionals in our research … Continue reading “Evaluserve–Your Global Knowledge Partner”

Entrepreneur Tina Bychkova–founder of Invest Engine

Posted on February 10, 2011Categories Women Entrepreneurs 2 Comments on Entrepreneur Tina Bychkova–founder of Invest Engine

The entrepreneur and investor spectrum is always abuzz with activity. On the web sphere, a lot is happening. There are websites, portals, and domains that bring these two ends together and make them work out on business plans that can be launched to bring about a change and a successful venture. Creating a business plan is what entrepreneurs are mostly concerned with when they have to approach investors for funding. Though there are many workshops, events and mentoring sessions that … Continue reading “Entrepreneur Tina Bychkova–founder of Invest Engine” aggregates all Group Buying deals!

Posted on January 28, 2011Categories Startups 3 Comments on aggregates all Group Buying deals!

Online shopping and the e-commerce industry has rapidly changed and evolved. Be it books, shoes, clothes or your groceries, almost the entire gamut of products can be bought online. With the advent of online shopping models such as ebay and amazon, many different concepts have been introduced in the online shopping world. This evolving dynamic e-commerce industry has brought about the concept of Group Buying or collective buying. Group Buying websites offer very deep discounts to products/services that are perceived … Continue reading “ aggregates all Group Buying deals!”

Startup GoBangalore–explore it on the web

Posted on January 21, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup GoBangalore–explore it on the web

What’s buzzing about Bangalore (Bangaluru)? You need to logon to GoBangalore and explore–the information and details are aplenty. You want tourist places, you have it. You want events, you have it. You name it, they have it. They provide boost the local business through activeness, visibility and reach. GoBangalore– Bangalore 2.0! Bangalore city portal providing news, stories, latest happenings, events and entertainment with a Social networking and Social welfare touch. Catering to people in all age groups, it is aimed … Continue reading “Startup GoBangalore–explore it on the web”

Startup Dhama Innovations–cooling and heating comes naturally

Posted on January 10, 2011Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Dhama Innovations–cooling and heating comes naturally

Charting a problem into an opportunity is one of the significant measures of the Entrepreneurial Quotient. No matter how many rejections or discouragements you face, the belief in your idea and the passion to make it successful is the trait of a true entrepreneur. Kranthi Vistakula is one such entrepreneur. He has invented heat exchanger technology, a one-of-its-kind, which responds to human body temperature as it demands. Read more about the entrepreneurial genius of Kranthi, Founder CEO Dhama Innovations, as … Continue reading “Startup Dhama Innovations–cooling and heating comes naturally”

Startup Activecubes–which face have you seen?

Posted on December 29, 2010Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup Activecubes–which face have you seen?

Data Analytics is one of the next big spaces for entrepreneurial activities with the evolving knowledge-based economies world-wide. ActiveCubes started with the vision to be the best in solving business problems and providing competitive advantage for their clients using the power of analytics. ActiveCubes empower their clients with the intelligence to make the best decisions. They transform data into intelligence. They do it better than anyone else because they understand the technology and processes, which enable actionable analytics. With their … Continue reading “Startup Activecubes–which face have you seen?”

Startup–have you heard it!

Posted on December 29, 2010Categories Startups   Leave a comment on Startup–have you heard it!

Genesis of starting As Amit recalls, he and his friends had hit the rock bottom of the week-end routine or the boredom. Just like the week-days, week-ends were no better. They too had become monotonous because of limited choice; or as Amit would say now, because of limited information about the possible choices of entertainment or week-end get-always. Most of the time the regular information that people get are through TV or Newspapers, which carry information about entertainment options that … Continue reading “Startup–have you heard it!”