Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Posted on October 4, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , , , , ,   Leave a comment on Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?

Do you know what Indian Ph. D. model is? Well, this may sound to be overly sarcastic and I should refrain from throwing bad light on my nations image; unfortunately this remains true, and this is one of the reasons that keep us backwards or keep pulling our legs. I admit that the same Ph. D. system would be prevalent in many other countries, but at least people who know the advantage and significance of innovation should stay safe from … Continue reading “Why your startup should not adopt the Indian Ph. D. model?”

What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?

Posted on September 25, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags , , , , , , 2 Comments on What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?

An overview of ISRO’s Mangalyaan project in context of Indian social media Have you given a thought to this: what made ISRO’s Mangalyaan so much popular among the professionals who are sitting on the social media and celebrating its success with jokes, pranks, graphics and sharing every message that has a hashtag of #mars #mangalyaan or #MOM? Well, the main reason that comes out of the whole picture and plethora of points that an Indian can be proud of is … Continue reading “What Indian startups can learn from ISRO’s Mangalyaan?”

How can startups cure your indigestion

Posted on September 22, 2014February 6, 2021Categories StartupsTags ,   Leave a comment on How can startups cure your indigestion

Knowledge that is not put into practice is like food that is not digested. –Sri Sathya Sai Baba Have you felt the practicality of this sentence in your professional life? Have you noticed how working in a particular role, amassing a lot of knowledge and skill will make your life miserable because in big corporate world, you don’t get to put everything in practice? I certainly have! I have noticed that big corporate world does not allow you to experiment … Continue reading “How can startups cure your indigestion”

Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com

Posted on May 25, 2012Categories Women EntrepreneursTags , ,   Leave a comment on Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com

The focus towards corporate trips and event organization has led to many startups and consultants coming up with the idea of managing and organizing it for companies. Usually, corporates like to hire someone else to organize the whole event, which has led to a very interesting business idea around the concept of traveling and tourism. In India, this idea is still in its niche stage and there is a definite potential that can be tapped by startups. On these lines, … Continue reading “Entrepreneur Prachi Garg: Founder of Ghoomophiro.com”