Eco entrepreneur

These days, businesses and entrepreneurs are valued in proportion to their commitment to the society and the environment. While every business venture greatly depends on the natural resources, every entrepreneur must demonstrate his or her responsibility to ensure the welfare of the environment. An eco-entrepreneur is one who is able to translate this sense of social and environmental responsibility in to policies and business practices that will do good to the environment. Every entrepreneur can become an eco-entrepreneur by sharing these concerns and working in these lines.

Some of the ways in which eco-entrepreneurship can be demonstrated include effectively offsetting the damage done to the environment by the business; strictly abiding by the rules and regulations proposed by the government for the welfare of the environment, implementing environmental friendly practices in business; taking steps to see that the products and services of their firm do not pollute the environment; safe and proper disposal of wastes; and setting aside a portion of the income to improve the environment. In fact, by working in these lines, several other useful things can also be done in the larger interest of the environment.

Eco-entrepreneur is always appreciated and regarded for his or her ethical practices. In fact, this orientation gives a competitive advantage to several businesses as evident in the success of businesses that implement environmental friendly practices. While it is the minimum necessity to abide by the environmental friendly laws and regulations in the first hand, it is even more important to step further and be creative and innovative by taking up a number of voluntary activities to further these environmental concerns.


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