Groundwater is the major source of our day-to-day water requirements. In fact, the groundwater is turning as an indispensable source for drinking purpose as the surface water sources are seen highly polluted. The rising population, proliferation of homes and industrial establishments have led to the sucking of underground water to alarming proportions. Studies and our real-life experience reveal us that the groundwater is getting deeper and deeper with every year passing by. Hence it is the crucial need of the hour that every home takes the necessary steps to save groundwater through the following measures.

Fix the leaks in plumbing systems
Leaking taps, faucets, toilets and pipelines can drive a lot of water to the drains. When you happen to spot any leaks or cracks in the plumbing system, take steps to rectify them immediately as it can save a lot of water. Also, think of reviewing the discharge outlets and change them for low discharge ones if necessary to cut down on waster wastage.
Use the water prudently
Turn off a top when you will not need it. For example, while brushing your teeth or shaving with a razor, the tap need not be running. Also, think of changing some of your habits related to using water like shifting to shorter showers and running the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads. If the flush toilet is flushing too much of water down, think of replacing it with a low-flow unit.
Manage the household waste properly
Separate dry and wet waste in order to dispose of them in the right ways. Prepare manure with biodegradable waste to nourish your plants. Implement the right kind of waste disposal and recycle measures in order to avoid a landfill that can contaminate the groundwater table. Ensure that the harmful chemical discharges (due to soaps, detergents, shampoos, toilet cleaners, and others) from the bathrooms are not sent into the ground near the water source, which can contaminate the groundwater.
Avoid or reduce the use of pesticides
Avoid the chances of toxic chemicals from pesticides mixing up with groundwater. Studies tell us that pesticides are a major source of water pollution. A majority of pesticides come from farmlands. However, the gardening applications in homes can also lead to the release of harmful pesticides which can be avoided or minimized.
Maintain the septic tanks in the right way
Ensure that the septic tanks are never planned close to the freshwater source. If this is unavoidable due to space constraints, keep them at a safe distance from the groundwater source and also take steps to see that the septic tank contents do not contact the groundwater. Check from time to time if the septic tanks develop any leaks or clogs and maintain the septic tanks on a regular basis.
Conserve rainwater
Build a good rainwater harvesting system and this can help increase the groundwater level considerably. A lot of households implementing the rainwater harvesting practices have found this strategy work miraculously in raising the groundwater levels.