Home is where the most important and vital activities of our lives happen. We spend most of our times in our homes. Since we eat, relax, rest and socialize at home, it is highly important that the environment inside our homes must be pollution-free. Consuming the polluted air is one of the major health hazards which you can avoid to a great extent by implementing the right practices. Most of the pollutants that we find inside our homes are brought in by us. Here are some ways in which we can reduce air pollution in our homes.

What are the concerning factors?
Household cleaners, perfumes, emissions from incense and candles, crafts supplies, paints, toner ink and glues, fumes from the dry washed clothes, mold, pollen, pet hairs, dust mites, emissions from wood-burning, construction materials like lead, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, unventilated gas stoves, and emissions due to burning cigarettes are among the major sources of air pollution inside our homes. The harsh chemicals used in cleaning materials can release fumes that can irritate the skin, nose, lungs, and mouth. Especially people with sensitive lungs and airways can be easily affected by this kind of air pollution.
Some of the major illnesses caused due to air pollution inside our homes include problems in respiration, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disorder), lung cancer, and irritation of throat, lungs, and eyes.
The importance of air filters
Keeping the windows open in homes can help ventilate the home. However, it might not be always possible due to the hazards due to allergens and extreme temperatures. Install some good heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in the home. Use air filters of good quality. Check the quality of the air purifiers and aromatherapy equipment. Those of poor quality can impact the quality of air inside your home.
Tips to reduce air pollution at home
- Use the craft supplies in areas where there is proper and adequate ventilation so that the odors released by them do not contaminate the air inside your home.
- Quit smoking or at least do not smoke inside the home. The particles left out from the cigarettes and the residual gas can spoil the quality of air inside the home. It can pose major health risks to children and other family members, especially the ones with respiratory troubles.
- Reduce the use of carpets as much as possible.
- Keep the home clutter-free.
- Ensure your gas stove is ventilated properly.
- Use of dehumidifier or air conditioner in order to reduce the moisture in the air inside the home.
- Keep the trash cans covered so that they do not attract pests.
- Remove your shoes outside the entrance door.
- Minimize the use of air fresheners.
- Install detectors for carbon monoxide.
- Dust the surfaces and vacuum clean the home in regular intervals.
- Wash your beddings once in a week in warm water.
- Ensure that the vents in your kitchen and bathrooms function properly.
Take home
Taking the right steps to curb hazardous emissions inside the home, keeping the home interiors as clean as possible and boosting up the quality of air inside are sure ways to minimize the air pollution in our homes.